We hit the worst lottery in the world so to speak. Something like 8 other people in the U.S. had the same Brain disease that Jay did. It is still so crazy to me. We are still dealing with the after effects of such a severe illness. Not only his physical and mental after effects, which for what happen to him, we truly are lucky but on the other hand this has completely turned our life upside down and continues to every single day.
Social Security actually denied him, mostly because he is under 50 years old. So we are in the process of appealing the denial, we have a lawyer that will that will take a nice big chunk of money once this is all over with. However, we are still looking at up to a year until we can get a court date. I am looking for a job. Every single month since this has happen we are worrying about where the next rent payment will come from and at one point we even got a notice threatening eviction for not being able to pay for two months right before the holidays. Luckily Jay has a pretty amazing Aunt and Uncle who helped us out, I will never be able to express my gratitude to them for helping us through the Holidays and keeping a roof over our son's head... no words can explain it...
Things are still so tight, Jay wanted to go back to work but it is just not a option. I am looking diligently, at this point I will take anything I can get. Life continues to be a big struggle. We really hit the lottery of all lotteries.
Here we are now in a fresh year, January 2015. Hard to believe it's less then 3 months since this all started a year ago. 2014 flew by, it also dragged by, it was.... just horrible and I am SO glad it's over! I've been thinking alot about this upcoming year, goals, resolutions, changes and a million things I want to do. I'm starting it with one word - Redefine. That's my word for 2015 and what I will try to apply to everything I do. I started early by getting rid of my Facebook account. It's been about 7 months without and the only thing I miss is occasionally sharing pictures of our son but I figure the people who really care for us will keep up with us in person. I just needed to focus on our life and not look at everyone elses.
The one and only good thing that came from this past year is what I learned, I cannot live without a journal, maybe even a few journals. I must write, I have to get it out, good and bad, it needs to come out on paper. A planner, I must have a planner to keep up with all our appointments so I don't forget, there is just something about having it written in pen on paper that I love as opposed to using my phone. In 2015 I would like to utilize my planner on a more personal level, plan out things other then appointments but also daily schedules, me time, etc. I really want to use it to help "REDEFINE" my life. I recently picked up a copy of the book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey, I hear it is a great read and I found it at the Goodwill for 45 cents, I was thrilled and I'm hoping it can help me get a jump start!
Also, Art. Above all, in 2014 I learned I MUST have a creative outlet, I NEED to paint, it is essential for me to stay sane. It is truly like meditation for me and I must do it, I even feel frustrated when too much time goes by and I haven't created anything. So, those are some of the things I learned about myself through all of this and I am grateful I did. I don't know what the future holds but I know I don't plan to stop writing, planning and painting any time soon. Who knows, maybe I can start a blog about my new artistic adventures? Maybe!
Hello! if anyone read this, I'm Emily and I hope you'll stick around if this interests you.
Much love to anyone going through the struggle of life, Emily XOXO